Thursday, January 21, 2010


Conquer Entertainment™ has launched its distribution package, and with the formal launch being announced during the World Conference at the end of January, now is the time for you to gain maximum exposure. There will be approximately 50,000+ Customer Managers from all over the world, in attendance, that will be introduced to this new aspect of their business for the first time, and will be pushing the sell of all artists’ music that is available on the M.A. MyWorld Web Portal to help promote their own business.

What does this mean for you? For the low ANNUAL PRICE of $39.99 (that’s right annual, not monthly), you can upload an unlimited amount of music and allow your career to take off, as not only will you have yourself pushing the sell of your music, but Market America’s complete force of over 180,000+ Customer Managers. In addition to this, we offer the following to all artists who sign up:

$0.50 per $0.99 download- a higher return rate for you then most competition sites.

Direct Deposit-Unlike all other sites, when someone downloads your music, you will have the money direct deposited into your account. No waiting for months to receive a check for your music!

Non-Exclusive Rights-This means we do not limit where else you can place your music outside of our site, nor do we own rights to any music you upload. You created it, why have someone limit where you can have it!

Band Unique Web Site- Offers all bands that sign up their own exclusive URL, with a profile page. You will be able to post a profile picture, bio, upload videos from youtube, and even link your social networking site.

30-sec preview before downloading.

Please take the time to check out and see what is new with Conquer and get signed up today. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or would like additional information, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you and seeing you on the Conquer website.

Thank you

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